/* eslint-disable complexity,no-mixed-operators,consistent-return */
/** @module common/game-map/GameMap */
import {MIN_SIZE, THEMES} from "./game-map-const.mjs";
import Room from "./room.mjs";
import Corridor from "./corridor.mjs";
import Ladder from "./../ladder.mjs";
* Map a 2d coordinate to a 1d coordinate
* @private
* @param {*} x
* @param {*} y
const d21 = (x, y, size) => {
return y * size + x;
* Map a 1d coordinate to a 2d coordinate
* @private
* @param {*} x
* @param {*} y
const d12 = (i, size) => {
return [i % size, Math.floor(i / size)];
* A map for a game
* @prop {string} id Unique id for this map
* @prop {string} theme The theme for this map
* @prop {Room[]} rooms The rooms in the map
* @prop {Item[]} items The items in this map
* @prop {Player[]} players The players in this map
export default class GameMap {
* <span style="color: red;">Constructor is private.</span>
* See GameMap.parse or GameMap.generate for instances of GameMap
constructor() {
this.rooms = [];
this.ladder = new Ladder();
* Initialize the map generation parameters
* @private
* @param params
_initParams(params = {}, numItems = 0) {
this._params = {
nodes: params.nodes || 16,
minRoom: (params.minRoom || 20) * MIN_SIZE,
maxRoom: (params.maxRoom || 60) * MIN_SIZE,
maxYDist: (params.maxYDist || 12) * MIN_SIZE,
roomChance: params.roomChange || 0.9,
corridorSize: (params.corridorSize || 8) * MIN_SIZE,
xPadding: (params.xPadding || 4) * MIN_SIZE,
yPadding: (params.xPadding || 4) * MIN_SIZE,
theme: params.theme || THEMES[Math.floor(Math.random() * THEMES.length)],
spawn: params.spawn
this.numItems = numItems;
if(!this._params.spawn) {
this._params.spawn = Math.floor(Math.random() * this._params.nodes);
if(this._params.spawn >= this._params.nodes || this._params.spawn < 0) {
throw new Error("Spawn must be less that nodes and greater than or equal to 0");
this._params.size = Math.sqrt(this._params.nodes);
if(this._params.size !== Math.floor(this._params.size)) {
throw new Error("nodes must be a perfect square");
* Geneate a game map
* @param {GameMap} map The game map to store everything in
* @param {object} params The game map generation parameters for the game map
* @returns {GameMap}
static generate(map, params) {
map._initParams(params, map.numItems);
return map;
* A room and corridor renderer
* @typedef Renderer
* @prop {string} name The name of the renderer
* @prop {Function} canRender Can this render the room or corridor that is passed in
* @prop {Function} render Render the actual room or corridor
* Regester a renderer for rooms and corridors
* @param renderer {Renderer} The renderer to use
static register(renderer) {
GameMap._renderers.set(renderer.name, renderer);
* Check if a point is on the map/floor
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {boolean} isMonster
* @returns {boolean}
isOnMap(x, y, isMonster) {
let rect = this.getRect(x, y);
if(!rect) {
return !isMonster || !rect.noMonsters;
* Get the room of corridor that contains the x, y corrdinate otherwise return undefined
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @returns {Room|Corridor}
getRect(x, y) {
const check = (rect) => {
return rect.x < x && x < rect.x + rect.width &&
rect.y < y && y < rect.y + rect.height;
for(let room of this.rooms) {
if(check(room)) {
return room;
} else if(room.left && check(room.left)) {
return room.left;
} else if(room.above && check(room.above)) {
return room.above;
* Serialize the game map
* @returns {string} The serialized map
serialize() {
return JSON.stringify({
rooms: this.rooms,
ladder: this.ladder,
numItems: this.numItems,
params: {
nodes: this._params.nodes,
minRoom: this._params.minRoom / MIN_SIZE,
maxRoom: this._params.maxRoom / MIN_SIZE,
maxYDist: this._params.maxYDist / MIN_SIZE,
roomChance: this._params.roomChange,
corridorSize: this._params.corridorSize / MIN_SIZE,
xPadding: this._params.xPadding / MIN_SIZE,
yPadding: this._params.xPadding / MIN_SIZE,
theme: this._params.theme || "0-0",
spawn: this._params.spawn,
* Parse a previously serialized map
* @param {string|object} json The serialized map
* @param {GameMap} map The game map to use
* @returns {GameMap}
static parse(json, map) {
let raw = typeof json === "string" ? JSON.parse(json) : json;
map._initParams(raw.params, raw.numItems);
for(let i = 0; i < raw.rooms.length; ++i) {
map.rooms.push(Room._parse(i, map.rooms, raw.rooms[i], map._params));
map.ladder = raw.ladder;
return map;
* The basic maze generation algorithm.
* @private
* @returns A map of edges
generateMaze() {
let unvisited = new Set();
let corridors = new Map();
let stack = [];
for(let i = 0; i < this._params.nodes; ++i) {
let startingPoint = Math.floor(Math.random() * unvisited.size);
while(stack.length) {
let current = stack[stack.length - 1];
let [x, y] = d12(current, this._params.size);
// find all unvisited neighbours
let unvisitedNeighbours = [];
if(unvisited.has(d21(x + 1, y, this._params.size)) && x + 1 < this._params.size) {
unvisitedNeighbours.push(d21(x + 1, y, this._params.size));
if(unvisited.has(d21(x, y + 1, this._params.size)) && y + 1 < this._params.size) {
unvisitedNeighbours.push(d21(x, y + 1, this._params.size));
if(unvisited.has(d21(x - 1, y, this._params.size)) && x - 1 >= 0) {
unvisitedNeighbours.push(d21(x - 1, y, this._params.size));
if(unvisited.has(d21(x, y - 1, this._params.size)) && y - 1 >= 0) {
unvisitedNeighbours.push(d21(x, y - 1, this._params.size));
// all of our neighbours have been visited go back to the previous node
if(!unvisitedNeighbours.length) {
// visit a neighbouring cell
let toCell = unvisitedNeighbours[Math.floor(Math.random() * unvisitedNeighbours.length)];
// create the edges for the corridors
if(!corridors.has(toCell)) {
corridors.set(toCell, new Set());
if(!corridors.has(current)) {
corridors.set(current, new Set());
return corridors;
* Expand the maze generated by generateMaze into something with differently sized rooms
* @private
* @param {*} corridors
* @returns {Object} rooms
generateMap(corridors) {
let map = this;
// Coords for the room we are placing
let x = this._params.xPadding;
let y = this._params.yPadding;
// Height of the tallest room in this row
let maxHeight = 0;
// Location width and heights of all rooms
map.rooms = [];
let renderers = Array.from(GameMap._renderers.values());
// Place rooms onto the map
for(let i = 0; i < this._params.nodes; ++i) {
// We are at the end of this row start a new row
if(i % this._params.size === 0 && i > 0) {
x = this._params.xPadding;
y += maxHeight + Math.floor(Math.random() * this._params.maxYDist) + this._params.yPadding;
maxHeight = 0;
let width = this._params.corridorSize;
let height = this._params.corridorSize;
// determine if this box should be a room
if(Math.random() < this._params.roomChance || corridors.get(i).size === 1) {
width = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this._params.maxRoom - this._params.minRoom)) + this._params.minRoom;
height = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this._params.maxRoom - this._params.minRoom)) + this._params.minRoom;
x += Math.max(this._params.maxRoom - width, 0);
// save for corridor rendering
let newRoom = new Room(i, x, y, width, height, this._params);
// pick a renderer
let renderer;
do {
renderer = renderers[Math.floor(Math.random() * renderers.length)];
} while(!renderer.canRender(newRoom));
newRoom._rendererName = renderer.name;
maxHeight = Math.max(height, maxHeight);
// Render a corridor to the box to our left (if there is one)
if(corridors.get(i).has(i - 1)) {
let room = map.rooms[i - 1];
// find a row that we have in common
let yStart = Math.max(y, room.y);
let sharedHeight = Math.min(height - (yStart - y), room.height - (yStart - room.y)) - this._params.corridorSize;
let yPos = Math.floor(Math.random() * sharedHeight) + yStart;
// Add weights to the graph
let edge = new Corridor(
room.x + room.width, yPos, x - (room.x + room.width), this._params.corridorSize, this._params);
// pick a corridor renderer
do {
renderer = renderers[Math.floor(Math.random() * renderers.length)];
} while(!renderer.canRender(edge));
edge._rendererName = renderer.name;
room._connect(map.rooms[i], edge);
// Render a corridor to the box above us
if(corridors.get(i).has(i - this._params.size)) {
let room = map.rooms[i - this._params.size];
// find a column that we have in common
let xStart = Math.max(x, room.x);
let sharedWidth = Math.min(width - (xStart - x), room.width - (xStart - room.x)) - this._params.corridorSize;
let xPos = Math.floor(Math.random() * sharedWidth) + xStart;
// Add weights to the graph
let edge = new Corridor(
xPos, room.y + room.height, this._params.corridorSize, y - (room.y + room.height), this._params);
// pick a corridor renderer
do {
renderer = renderers[Math.floor(Math.random() * renderers.length)];
} while(!renderer.canRender(edge));
edge._rendererName = renderer.name;
room._connect(map.rooms[i], edge);
x += width + this._params.xPadding;
get theme() {
return this._params.theme;
* Get the spawn point for a player
* @returns {object} {x,y}
getSpawnPoint() {
let room = this.rooms[this._params.spawn];
let x = room.x + Math.floor(Math.random() * (room.width * 3 / 4)) + Math.floor(room.width / 4);
let y = room.y + Math.floor(Math.random() * (room.height * 3 / 4)) + Math.floor(room.height / 4);
if(!this.isOnMap(x, y)) {
throw new Error("Spawn point not on map");
return {x, y};
GameMap._renderers = new Map();