/* eslint-disable max-len, complexity, prefer-template */
/* global PIXI */
import PlayerCommon from "../common/player.mjs";
import interpolate from "../common/interpolator.mjs";
/** @module Player */
* Have Player inherit from class Character. Same goes for Monster class.
export default class Player extends PlayerCommon {
constructor(...args) {
this._lastMove = Date.now();
this._lastFrame = undefined;
this.tinted = -1;
this.hpDamageTaken = -1;
this._attackSprite = new PIXI.Graphics();
* Create a sprite for player and add to the floor.
createSprite() {
this.sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.loader.resources.player.textures[this.spriteName]);
this.sprite.position.set(this.x, this.y);
this.sprite.width = PlayerCommon.SPRITE_SIZE;
this.sprite.height = PlayerCommon.SPRITE_SIZE;
this.regularTint = this.sprite.tint;
this._textStyle = new PIXI.TextStyle({
fill: "#fff",
fontSize: 17
this._textStyle2 = new PIXI.TextStyle({
fill: "#ff0000",
fontSize: 24,
fontFamily: "Tahoma",
fontWeight: "bold"
this._textStyle3 = new PIXI.TextStyle({
fill: "#00ff00",
fontSize: 24,
fontFamily: "Tahoma",
fontWeight: "bold"
this.usernameSprite = new PIXI.Text(this.username, this._textStyle);
this.usernameSpriteOffset = (this.sprite.width / 2) - (this.usernameSprite.width / 2);
this.usernameSprite.position.set(this.sprite.position.x + this.usernameSpriteOffset, this.sprite.position.y - 15);
this.hpNotificationSprite = new PIXI.Text("", this._textStyle2);
this.hpNotificationSpriteOffset = (this.sprite.width / 2) - (this.hpNotificationSprite.width / 2);
this.hpNotificationSprite.position.set(this.sprite.position.x + this.hpNotificationSpriteOffset, this.sprite.position.y - 40);
* Update the player sprite's position for all players on the floor.
* @param {int} viewX,
* @param {int} viewY
update(viewX, viewY) {
// Interpolate players who are not the current player
if(this.floor.username !== this.name) {
let now = Date.now();
interpolate(this, now - this._lastMove, this._confirmedX, this._confirmedY);
this._lastMove = now;
this.sprite.position.set(this.x - viewX, this.y - viewY);
this.usernameSprite.position.set(this.x - viewX + this.usernameSpriteOffset, this.y - viewY - 15);
this.hpNotificationSprite.position.set(this.x - viewX + this.hpNotificationSpriteOffset, this.y - viewY - 40);
if(this.tinted !== -1) {
if(this.sprite.tint === this.regularTint) {
this.hpNotificationSprite.style = this.hpDamageTaken > 0 ? this._textStyle3 : this._textStyle2;
this.hpNotificationSprite.setText((this.hpDamageTaken > 0 ? "+" : "") + this.hpDamageTaken);
this.hpNotificationSpriteOffset = (this.sprite.width / 2) - (this.hpNotificationSprite.width / 2);
this.usernameSprite.position.set(this.x - viewX + this.usernameSpriteOffset, this.y - viewY - 15);
if(new Date().getTime() - this.tinted > 200) {
this.tinted = -1;
this._attackFrame(this.x - viewX, this.y - viewY);
* Remove a player from a PIXI.container
remove() {
* Player dies.
die() {
if(this.tinted !== -1) {
this.hp = 0;
this.alive = false;
* Tints player's sprite red.
tint() {
this.tinted = new Date().getTime();
this.sprite.tint = this.hpDamageTaken > 0 ? 0x00FF00 : 0xFF0000;
* Untints player's sprite.
untint() {
this.sprite.tint = this.regularTint;
this.tinted = -1;
handleState(state) {
let oldName = this.spriteName;
let oldHP = this.hp;
delete state._lastFrame;
Object.assign(this, state);
// update the sprite
if(oldName !== this.spriteName) {
this.sprite.texture = PIXI.loader.resources.demon.textures[this.spriteName];
if(oldHP !== this.hp) {
this.tinted = new Date().getTime();
this.hpDamageTaken = this.hp - oldHP;
* Start the attack animation
animateAttack(attackingAt) {
this._attackingAt = attackingAt;
this._attackStart = Date.now();
* Render a single frame in the attack animation
_attackFrame(x, y) {
if(this._attackingAt !== undefined) {
let percComplete = (Date.now() - this._attackStart) / PlayerCommon.ATTACK_TIME;
if(percComplete > 1) {
this._attackingAt = undefined;
this._attackSprite = new PIXI.Graphics();
if(this.attackType === "rectangle") {
this._attackFrameRect(x, y, percComplete);
} else {
this._attackFrameArc(x, y, percComplete);
* Render a single frame in the attack arc animation
_attackFrameArc(x, y, percComplete) {
let start = this._attackingAt - (this.attackAngle / 2) + (this.attackAngle * percComplete) - (Math.PI / 32);
let end = start + (Math.PI / 16);
this._attackSprite.moveTo(0, 0);
this._attackSprite.beginFill(this._attackColor || 0xcccccc);
this._attackSprite.lineStyle(0, 0x0);
this._attackSprite.arc(0, 0, this.range, start, end);
this._attackSprite.lineTo(0, 0);
this._attackSprite.alpha = 0.8;
this._attackSprite.position.set(x + (PlayerCommon.SPRITE_SIZE / 2), y + (PlayerCommon.SPRITE_SIZE / 2));
* Render a single frame in the attack rect animation
_attackFrameRect(x, y, percComplete) {
let offset = PlayerCommon.SPRITE_SIZE / 2;
this._attackSprite.position.set(x + offset, y + offset);
this._attackSprite.lineStyle(7, this._attackColor || 0xcccccc);
this._attackSprite.alpha = 0.7;
let length = this.range * percComplete;
this._attackSprite.moveTo(0, 0);
length * Math.cos(this._attackingAt),
length * Math.sin(this._attackingAt)