/*global PIXI*/
* A list of players that displays information about each player.
export default class PlayerList {
constructor() {
this.listOfPlayers = [];
this.graphics = new PIXI.Graphics();
this.playerBoxes = new Map();
this.hpBoxes = new Map();
* Renders the player list.
render() {
this.listOfPlayers.forEach((player, index) => {
this.drawPlayerInfo(index, player);
let boss = this.floor.monsters.find((monster) => {
return monster.type === "boss";
this.drawPlayerInfo(this.listOfPlayers.length, boss);
return this.graphics;
* Draws the player's information to the player list.
* @param {int} id the index of the player
* @param {string} player the player being drawn
drawPlayerInfo(id, player) {
let playerBox = new PIXI.Graphics();
let offset = 40; //Space between each player information box.
//Black background
let outline = new PIXI.Graphics();
outline.beginFill(player.type ? 0x000088 : 0x000000);
outline.fillAlpha = this.floor.followingUser === player.name ? 0.85 : 0.7;
outline.lineStyle(2, player.type ? 0x0000bb : 0x000000, 1);
outline.drawRect(0, 0, 400, 30);
outline.position.set(10, 10 + (id * offset)); //eslint-disable-line
this._playerNameStyle = new PIXI.TextStyle({
fill: "#fff",
fontSize: 14
//Player name
let playerName = new PIXI.Text(this.checkNameLength(player.name), this._playerNameStyle);
playerName.position.set(25, 15 + (id * offset)); //eslint-disable-line
//Player stats
this._playerStatsStyle = new PIXI.TextStyle({
fill: '#ffff00',
fontSize: 10
this._playerStatsStr = ``;
let playerStats = new PIXI.Text(`Def: ${player.defence} SPD: ${player.speed}\nDMG: ${player.damage}, RNG: ${player.range}`, this._playerStatsStyle);
playerStats.position.set(190, 15 + (id * offset));
//Health bar red
let healthRedBar = new PIXI.Graphics();
healthRedBar.drawRect(0, 0, 100, 10);
healthRedBar.position.set(300, 15 + (id * offset)); //eslint-disable-line
//Health bar green
let healthGreenBar = new PIXI.Graphics();
healthGreenBar.drawRect(0, 0, player.getHp(), 10);
healthGreenBar.position.set(300, 15 + (id * offset));//eslint-disable-line
//Health Text
this._hpTextStyle = new PIXI.TextStyle({
fill: "#FFFFFF",
fontSize: 12
let healthText = new PIXI.Text(`Health: ${player.getHp()}`, this._hpTextStyle);
healthText.position.set(300, 25 + (id * offset)); //eslint-disable-line
this.playerBoxes.set(player.name, playerBox); //Stores the playerBox for future access accessible by username.
this.hpBoxes.set(player.name, {
text: healthText,
greenBar: healthGreenBar,
redBar: healthRedBar,
playerStats: playerStats
* Get the stats for a player
* @param {string} key
_getStats(key) {
if(key === "boss") {
let match = this.floor.monsters.find((monster) => {
return monster.type === "boss";
if(!match) {
return {
name: "boss",
hp: 0,
hpMax: 200
return {
name: match.name,
hp: match.getHp(),
hpMax: match.hpMax
let match = this.listOfPlayers.find((player) => {
return key === player.name;
if(!match) {
return {
name: key,
hp: 0,
hpMax: 150
return {
name: match.name,
hp: match.getHp(),
hpMax: match.hpMax,
speed: match.speed,
damage: match.damage,
range: match.range,
defence: match.defence
* Updates the player list for each player.
update() {
let index = 0;
this.playerBoxes.forEach((value, key) => { // eslint-disable-line complexity
let {name, hp, hpMax, defence, speed, range, damage} = this._getStats(key);
let offset = 40; //Space between each player information box.
let hpBox = this.hpBoxes.get(name);
if(hp <= 0 && name !== 'boss') { // dead player
hpBox.text.text = `DEAD`;
hpBox.playerStats.text = 'Spectating';
} else if(hp <= 0 && name === 'boss') { // dead boss
hpBox.text.text = `DEAD`;
hpBox.playerStats.text = 'Dropped key';
} else if(name !== 'boss') { // alive player
hpBox.text.text = `Health: ${hp}`;
hpBox.playerStats.text = `DEF: ${defence} SPD: ${speed}\nDMG: ${damage}, RNG: ${range}`;
} else { // alive boss
hpBox.text.text = `Health: ${hp}`;
hpBox.playerStats.text = '';
//Health bar red
hpBox.redBar.drawRect(0, 0, 100, 10);
hpBox.redBar.position.set(300, 15 + (index * offset)); //eslint-disable-line
//Health bar green
hpBox.greenBar.drawRect(0, 0, hp >= 0 ? hp / hpMax * 100 : 0, 10);
hpBox.greenBar.position.set(300, 15 + (index * offset));//eslint-disable-line
* Removes the player from the list
* @param {string} username
removePlayer(username) {
this.listOfPlayers.splice(this.listOfPlayers.indexOf(username), 1);
* Updates the player list to show a player disconnected.
* @param {string} username
disconnectPlayer(username) {
let tempPlayerBox = this.playerBoxes.get(username);
tempPlayerBox.alpha = 0.35;
* Checks the player's name length.
* @param {string} playerName the name of player you want to check
checkNameLength(playerName) {
if(playerName.length >= 18) {
playerName = playerName.substring(0, 18) + "..."; //eslint-disable-line
return playerName;