/* eslint-disable complexity,no-mixed-operators,consistent-return */
/* global PIXI */
/** @module browser/GameMap */
import GameMapCommon from "../common/game-map/game-map.mjs";
const DEFAULT_RENDERER = "smooth-renderer";
* A renderer for the entire game map
* @typedef SpriteReturn
* @prop {PIXI.Container} sprite The sprite representing the game map
* @prop {Function} update GameMap.updateSprite but without the container parameter
class GameMapRenderer {
constructor(map) {
this.map = map;
this.sprite = new PIXI.Container();
* Render a subset of the map inside rectangle specified by the coordiates
* @param {PIXI.Container} container The container returned by create sprite
* @param {number} xMin x coordinate for the top left corner
* @param {number} yMin y coordinate for the top left corner
* @param {number} xMax x coordinate for the bottom right corner
* @param {number} yMax y coordinate for the bottom right corner
update(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax) {
/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
xMin = Math.max(0, xMin);
yMin = Math.max(0, yMin);
/* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */
if(this.__prevXMin === xMin && this.__prevXMax === xMax &&
this.__prevYMin === yMin && this.__prevYMax === yMax) {
this.__prevXMin = xMin;
this.__prevXMax = xMax;
this.__prevYMin = yMin;
this.__prevYMax = yMax;
while(this.sprite.children.length) {
// check that a rect is inside the box even partially
let inBounds = (rect) => {
return ((xMin <= rect.x && rect.x <= xMax) ||
(xMin <= rect.x + rect.width && rect.x + rect.width <= xMax) ||
(xMin > rect.x && rect.x + rect.width > xMax)) &&
((yMin <= rect.y && rect.y <= yMax) ||
(yMin <= rect.y + rect.height && rect.y + rect.height <= yMax) ||
(yMin > rect.y && rect.y + rect.height > yMax));
// process a single room/corridor
let process = (rect) => {
let renderer = GameMap._renderers.get(rect._rendererName);
if(!renderer) {
renderer = GameMap._renderers.get(DEFAULT_RENDERER);
// get corrds relative to the screen
let x = rect.x - xMin;
let y = rect.y - yMin;
let xEnd = x + rect.width;
let yEnd = y + rect.height;
let width = xEnd - x;
let height = yEnd - y;
// get corrds relative to the rect
let relativeX = Math.max(x - rect.x, 0);
let relativeY = Math.max(y - rect.y, 0);
let relativeWidth = width - relativeX - Math.max(xEnd - xMax, 0);
let relativeHeight = height - relativeY - Math.max(yEnd - yMax, 0);
let sprites = renderer.render({
x: relativeX,
y: relativeY,
width: relativeWidth,
height: relativeHeight,
map: this.map
// positon and size the sprites that were given
sprites.position.set(x, y);
sprites.width = Math.min(xMax, xEnd) - x;
sprites.height = Math.min(yMax, yEnd) - y;
// process all of the rooms and corridors
for(let room of this.map.rooms) {
if(inBounds(room)) {
if(room.left && inBounds(room.left)) {
if(room.above && inBounds(room.above)) {
export default class GameMap extends GameMapCommon {
* Geneate a game map
* @returns {GameMap}
static generate(params) {
return GameMapCommon.generate(new GameMap(), params);
* Load the game map in the browser
* @param {Floor} floor The floor to load the map for
static load(floor) {
return fetch(`/game/map/${floor.id}`)
.then((res) => {
return res.json();
.then((json) => {
floor.map = GameMap.parse(json, new GameMap());
* Create a new renderer for this game map
createRenderer() {
return new GameMapRenderer(this);